Short, Plain English Regarding Cookies and Privacy:

  • I’m just a voice teacher, musician and educator. Not trying to do anything nefarious. The cookies help me understand how to make my website more usable and helpful. They can also affect advertising. With this in mind, please consider:

  • I won’t have your email or any other info about who you are unless you knowingly provide me with this information, but… Google and Facebook Ads will give you an anonymized cookie when you visit, and I might ask these companies to show past visitors ads offering helpful content, etc., via your anonymous cookie, particularly to visitors who:

    1. Spent significant time on my site, but…

    2. Didn’t join the mailing list (the cookie knows if you joined the list, too).

    The cookies help me reach people who might have been interested in coming back to the site for more content and/or joining the mailing list, anyway, but, for whatever reason, left without joining the mailing list.

  • I’m aware that some people will spend time and not need or want to come back and that, for these people, seeing more marketing—even if it’s only offers of free helpful content, which is mostly what I do—may feel annoying or creepy. This is the double-edge sword of cookies.

    • How to fix: Denying use of cookies via my cookie banner, upon arriving, or clearing cookies after leaving the website should stop this from happening. If this ever doesn’t work, email me at and I’ll take care of it.

  • My ads do not target children aged 13 or younger. My ads do target youth as young as 14 and ask for mailing list signups via email. This is because pre-college singers are a major group that I work with and I want to send them helpful content in order to stay relevant to them and their singing goals. If you are younger than 14 and wish to be on the mailing list, please ask a parent to contact me and provide permission.

  • The mailing list is easy to unsubscribe to via link in any email I send you.

  • Email me at to request I remove all data connected to you.

Links to Full Site Use, Cookie, and Privacy Policies:

Cookie Policy

Privacy Policy

Terms & Conditions of Site Use

DMCA Policy

Acceptable Use Policy
